The Chemistry Graduate Program (PPGQ) offers the opportunity to train Master’s and Doctoral students in the areas of Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic and Analytical.
Program students have access to laboratories for organic analysis, natural products, analysis, environment, biological tests, analytics, chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance and computing, all modern equipment acquired through individual, institutional or collaborative projects between the body professor, financed by CNPq, CAPES, PRONEX, FINEP, FAPESPA and international foundations to promote research.
The diversity of the Program's main lines of research offers expansion of the frontiers of organic, inorganic, analytical and physical-chemical chemistry; developed in our laboratories.
In fact, the collaboration between the permanent groups and the association with other national and international groups, makes interdisciplinarity a remarkable resource in research and in the work of dissertations and theses guided by the program's teachers. In addition to the contribution to an academic-technological training more adequate to the demand of Masters and Doctors in the current market, the Chemistry Graduate Program, due to its increasing qualitative and quantitative production, was registered as level 4 by CAPES